Thursday, September 3, 2009

sing this lullaby to yourself

Good night last night.

Started with delicious locally-grown burgers, moved on to absurdly frank discussion about topics that make me feel awkward, to renting Se7en and holding hands during the scary parts, to falling asleep to the sound of rain on the roof. I've never enjoyed the sound of rain so much.

Then, of course, my computer decided to be a nutcase. A couple days ago, I'd started streaming Pan's Labyrinth online, and hadn't closed the window with it yet because I still want to watch it. Somehow, at about 3:40 in the morning, my closed laptop started playing the movie. I woke up to a deep voice saying, "Hace muchos, muchos anos, vivia una princesa que sonaba con el mundo de los humanos." I couldn't get it to stop! My screen was black - the computer should have been hibernating - but no! "Hace muchos, muchos anos..." Plus I was deliriously tired and half-waking from a murky sort of dream...anyway. Finally took the battery out because it wouldn't turn off from just holding the power button.

Man, that burger was good.

Also, I have 15 days left here. Not ready to leave. Especially not to go back to school. I've already asked if I can come back next summer. And I'm planning to visit. Seattle's not that far away. Tambien, hay un chico que me gustaria conocer mas....jejeje. El dejo su movil aqui anoche; que lastima que tendra que regresar para recogerlo. La vida es buena.

In other news, I've been spending so much time on when I'm bored that I kind of want to get high just so I'd have funny texts to send people. But not really. Don't worry, moms and dads. I'm not actually considering it.

Love always,

1 comment:

KL said...

jejejeje. did the facebook comment pan out a bit anyways?