Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Last March, I applied for the Foreign Intrigue internship in Latin America through my school's COM department. I didn't get it. On December 1, I submitted an application for an internship with Reuters in Latin America. As it's been almost 2 months with no word, I'm assuming I didn't get that, either.

Now, I'm applying again for the Foreign Intrigue internship through the COM department. It's actually the exact same Reuters internship that I already applied to straight through Reuters, only this time, my school chooses who gets it, instead of Reuters.

I want it so badly I can barely focus on anything else.

I'm so much more qualified this year. I interned at 2 newspapers last year, including *chya!* THE SEATTLE TIMES. Before that, I lived in Spain for 4 months. I'm still fluent in Spanish, and I'm comfortable using it. I'm passionate about what I do and excited about my future.

Wouldn't you want to hire me??

So yes. I'll turn in the application on Friday. All I need are 3 glowing recommendations from my journalism teacher, Times editor and current Spanish professor, and I'll be just about done with it.

Please God, PLEASE. I would be perfect for this job. This job is perfect for me. What's this job? Writing for an American news agency, from a Spanish-speaking country. What's my dream job? Writing for an American news agency, from a Spanish speaking country. COME ON!!

I don't know anyone who's more qualified or more excited about this internship. This is the foot in the door that I need to have my whole future set. Pleeease let it happen!!

Love always,

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