Friday, April 23, 2010


I still haven't learned not to procrastinate.

I suppose I never will, either, until I'm severely punished for it. I mean, yes, the late hours and all the stress are quite punishing, but I always pull it off in the end. I would need to get a resounding "F" on a paper or test for me to consider changing my ways.

That said, I was really very proud of myself when I wrote most of my paper that was due today (Thursday) on Tuesday night. I just had to write the last half of a page on the night before it was due. I'd call that progress.

Then again, I waited until about midnight tonight to start the paper that's due tomorrow. Still - it's a decent paper. But it's not very well-sourced and thus doesn't follow the prompt very well...we'll see how far my eloquence gets me this time.

Anyway. Two papers down, one moot court proceeding to go. Lucky for me, I have another class right before that, so I'll get a whole 10 minutes to sit down and prepare with my partner attorney....yeah, uh-huh...

Sleepytime now ok bai.

Love always,

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