Saturday, October 17, 2009


So it's already my Facebook status, but in case you didn't hear...


B-front. Below the fold, but still. B FRONT. That's a front! People see that! And it's already stirring up some lively comments - 40, last I checked - online. Most of them are stupid people ragging on Huskies (?!?) but still. THEY'RE READING IT.
It's about these 10 guys who decided to beat the Guinness World Record for most bars visited in 24 hours. They hit 101 in 15 hours. Don't worry; they didn't get shitfaced. Not til the end, at least. Just 1 member of the team had to consume a drink at each establishment, so it was about 10 drinks per person over 15 hours. Not too bad.

Guys, this has been my year. Port Townsend, Seattle Times, and now I've got this guardian-type professor who's on the lookout for good opportunities for me, which is awesome. My next goal? A Reuters internship, somewhere in Latin America next summer. Deadline for application is Dec. 1, so hopefully I'll get some good clips before then. But think - if I get that, I mean...that's what I want to DO with my life! If I get that, I could be hired on as an actual employee afterward - I would have a job! I'd be SET!

My future may be falling into place. I'm good at this, goshdarnit. And I'm so freaking excited about it - I apologize for my overexuberant bragging. I've gone a little over the top; I mean, when I bought my paper in Starbucks today, I opened it up and told the barista that it was my story. (He was psyched for me.) But it might continue for a few days; I have another story coming out on Monday, and another on Tuesday.

Watch out, world!

Love always,

1 comment:

KL said...

Kudos to you amiga!
World be ready. Molly E. Rosbach is about to take you by storm.